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Building Enclosure Council of Chicago Charter

ARTICLE I: Intent.

  1. The National Institute of Building Sciences, and The American Institute of Architects (AIA) have agreed to the development of NIBS/AIA Building Enclosure Councils in a number of major cities that will organize and provide an interdisciplinary forum where architects, engineers (structural, mechanical, etc.) consultants, manufacturers, contractors, developers, owners, facility managers, etc. can meet.
  2. Goal: This diverse disciple collaboration was established to promote the pursuit of excellence in the design, construction and performance of the building enclosure.

ARTICLE II: Charter Agreement

The Chicago Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, Inc. (AIA Chicago), hereby establishes the Building Enclosure Council (BEC) Chicago as a local component activity in association with the AIA Chicago Technical Issues Knowledge Community under the National BETEC/AIA Agreement.

WHEREAS The Building Environment and Thermal Envelope Council (BETEC) is a council of the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS); and WHEREAS the National AIA and BETEC desire to establish a series of autonomous Building Enclosure Councils (BECs) in 8 to 12 cities across the United States to serve as forums for Building Enclosure/Building Science issues of local concern.

AIA Chicago agrees to the following:

BEC Chicago will be organized to provide an interdisciplinary forum where architects, engineers (structural, mechanical, etc.), consultants, manufacturers, contractors, developers, owners, facility managers, and other interested individuals can meet. The intent is to provide a means by which all those with an interest in the enclosure (envelope) of commercial, institutional, and residential structures and the related building science can discuss common issues, obtain information, discuss local issues, and otherwise address subjects relating to the building enclosure. BEC Chicago shall operate within the requirements of the National BETEC/AIA Agreement. BEC Chicago shall secure all right, title and interest in and to publications and other intellectual property produced by or for BEC Chicago in the name of AIA Chicago. AIA Chicago shall grant the National AIA and/or NIBS a nonexclusive license to distribute, reproduce, display and use the publications and other intellectual property in all media, now known or hereafter devised, including the Internet, without payment of any royalty or license fee.

ARTICLE III: Logos of NIBS and the AIA:

  1. The trade and service marks of NIBS, the National AIA and AIA Chicago are limited to use by BEC Chicago only when accompanied by a statement properly identifying the nature of the connection of the BEC with NIBS and the AIA as described herein above. This may include use on correspondence, Web sites, educational events, written literature and marketing material.
  2. NIBS and the National AIA and AIA Chicago may choose to endorse or sponsor specific events organized by BEC Chicago, such as a symposium. Such sponsorship will be claimed only if NIBS and the National AIA and AIA Chicago give specific written approval.
  3. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this agreement, neither the name, the logo, nor any other intellectual property of the National AIA or AIA Chicago shall be used in a manner inconsistent with requirements specified in the governance documents of the National AIA or of AIA Chicago, or the AIA’s graphic standards.
    1. Each use of AIA name, logo or other intellectual property in connection with this Agreement shall be subject to the prior written approval of the National AIA and of AIA Chicago.
    2. Each use of the NIBS or BETEC name, logo or other intellectual property in connection with this Agreement shall be subject to the prior written approval of NIBS.

ARTICLE IV: Termination of Charter:

  1. This agreement may be terminated at any time by AIA Chicago, the National AIA or NIBS, without cause, upon three months written notice to the other party. In the case of termination of this agreement, BEC Chicago shall no longer be entitled to describe themselves as cooperating with NIBS, BETEC, or the National AIA, or to use the NIBS or AIA name, trademarks or service marks, and neither party shall have any further obligation to the other party hereunder.