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National goals as stated in the by-laws
- To participate within the network of established Councils or professional groups across the US in order to promote the exchange of information and technology;
- Provide a focus/forum at the local level for those with an interest in the Enclosure (Envelope) of Buildings (all buildings) and the related Building Science;
- Promote and encourage discussion, training, education, technology transfer, and the exchange of information about regional (Great Lakes and surrounding areas) issues and cases, relevant weather conditions, and all matters concerning the building enclosure and the related science;
- Initiate and promote cross-disciplinary and cross-responsibility dialogue, i.e., laterally between professions, and vertically among designers, manufacturers, suppliers, fabricators, constructors, building operators, developers, insurers, and others with an interest in the building enclosure; and
- Facilitate improvements with respect to process, namely, inspection, approvals, codes, regulations, standards, liability matters, and the like for matters that affect the building enclosure.
Chicago Chapter Goals
- To provide a regularly scheduled forum for presentations and discussions for the building community based in Chicago for building façade and roofing system envelope design.
- To promote a level of professional fellowship amongst the BEC Chicago community that facilitates achievement of the National Goals of the Council.